Curriculum Vitae

Anna-Victoria Baltrusch
Kirchenmusikerin, Konzertorganistin, Pianistin
Apprenticeship, Awarding & Commitment
Anna-Victoria Baltrusch was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1989. She was a junior student in piano and organ at the University of Arts (UdK) in Berlin (organ: Prof Andreas Sieling). After her finals at school in 2008 she studied Church Music, Organ and Piano at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg (organ with Prof Martin Schmeding, Prof Zsigmond Szathmáry and Frédéric Champion). After finishing her Master’s degree, she graduated with honours („mit Auszeichnung“) as an Organ Soloist in 2016. Anna-Victoria was awarded renowned prizes at international organ competitions: In 2009 first prize at the Internationaler Orgelwettbewerb der Bach-Gesellschaft Wiesbaden; in 2010 a scholarship of the Deutscher Musikwettbewerb linked to the inclusion in the national selection of concerts by young artists; in 2011 second prize at the 60th International Music Competition of the ARD in Munich; in 2013 first prize at Internationaler August-Gottfried-Ritter-Wettbewerb in Magdeburg and second prize at the International Organ Competition St. Albans (Great Britain). In 2015, she was awarded second prize at the Internationaler Bach/Liszt-Orgelwettbewerb Erfurt-Weimar.
Anna-Victoria Baltrusch has performed in recitals and concerts throughout Europe.
From 2014 to 2015 she worked as Director of Music at the protestant church in Bad Krozingen, Germany. From 2015 to 2019, Anna-Victoria taught organ at the University of Music Leipzig and additionally, since February 2016, had been working as an organist at Neumünster Church, Zurich, Switzerland. Furthermore, she was conductor of the chamber choir TonArt Zürich.
Anna-Victoria currently teaches as a professor of organ at the Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Halle, Germany. In 2022 she was appointed titular organist of the Ulrichskirche concert hall in Halle and has also been university organist at MLU Halle since 2023.